What Does A Swollen Gland On Right Side Of Neck Suggest?
Not drug induced. Get a Neck USG, FNAC for an accurate diagnosis.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
1. The exact location, size or an image of this swollen gland in the right side of the neck would help.
2. Otherwise the best way is to get this examined, get a Neck Ultrasound (USG) and an FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) if there is no response to medication.
3. Since you are allergic to many antibiotics, you need to get a prescription form a local doctor for supportive medication such as an anti-inflammatory medication.
4. It is unlikely that your medications may be causing this.
5. If this is a single swelling and is not increasing in size, there is no cause for worry.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any more questions I will be available to answer them.
Is there an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory med that won't play havoc with my stomach. I have a very tender stomach
It's slightly under my ear on the right side. You can't see it, but I can feel it by pressing my finger over it. Could it be tooth related? AND I REALLY WOULD LIKE TO KNOW IF IT'S POSSIBLE IT WILL RESOLVE ITSELF? AND IF SO, SPECULATE ON HOW LONG THAT MIGHT BE.
Lymph node or a salivary gland swelling.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query.
1. If the swelling is just under the right ear, it is likely to be a lymph node or a salivary gland swelling. If it is a lymph node, it may be due to a dental or ear infection.
2. There is always a possibility of a viral infection or a secondary bacterial infection. That is why I have mentioned supportive treatment. Since you seem to be allergic to many antibiotics (no specifics given) and a sensitive stomach. I would suggest that you do not self medicate. At the most try a couple of doses of an OTC anti-inflammatory such as Tylenol after meals.
3. Observe the swelling for a couple of days. If it does not improve, get that Neck USG done. It will be more accurate than your GP. Check if you can get an earlier dental appointment. Get your blood sugar levels checked again. New Blood counts will reveal any infection (can be compared with those done two weeks ago).
4. If the swelling resolves or becomes non-tender, you can wait for it to heal spontaneously. Lymph nodes tend to remain enlarged but become non-tender. Salivary gland swellings tend to increase after meals.
I hope that I have answered your query. If you have any more questions I will be available to answer them.