What Does A White Lump Near The Vaginal Opening Indicate?
Most likely this is related to prolapse of your bladder
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the question. I am happy to help.
Based on how you are describing this, I am assuming that you are not in any pain or discomfort. In that case, a bulge at the vaginal opening that might look something like a skin covered ball most likely represents the bladder. The vagina is basically a tube with the bladder sitting on the top wall and the rectum on the bottom. It is extremely common (related to prior childbearing, tears at time of delivery, passage of time and genetic predisposition) to have prolapse or relaxation of the bladder. It is called a 'cystocele'. Patients commonly present with the following types of complaints:
1. A noticeable bulge or 'something falling out'
2. An increased discharge or irritation
3. Incomplete emptying of your bladder
4. Worse at the end of the day
The best thing to do is to go in to an OB/GYN and get this checked out. They can confirm what I suspect and offer treatment. Treatment might include doing nothing, use of 'pessaries' to hold the bladder in place and possibly even surgery.
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Dr. Tim