What Does Absence Of Fetal Heartbeat During 7 Weeks Of Pregnancy Suggest?
It is true the heartbeat can be missed by abdominal ultrasound
Detailed Answer:
Hello, and I would be happy to answer your question today.
It is true that abdominal ultrasound can be less accurate than transvaginal ultrasound during the first trimester of pregnancy, depending also on the quality of the machine. Normally, the heartbeat should be seen around 7 weeks but that can vary by up to 5 days and still can be missed by abdominal ultrasound.
In your case it is also reassuring that your HCG hormone levels are over 50,000. Anything over 5000 is reassuring at 7 weeks.
So if you feel fine and have no bleeding there is no need to make any decisions about the pregnancy just yet. I recommend waiting and repeating the ultrasound examination in 2 weeks time- by then the heart beat should be clearly visible.
I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes,
Dr. Brown