What Does An Extra Opening Around Vagina Indicate?
This is called a hymenal remnant...
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the question and thank you for visiting our site.
The hymenal ring is a thin ring of tissue around the opening of the vagina that absorbs at the center to create the normal opening. Sometimes this absorption can be incomplete or assymetric, creating bands at the opening that are like you are describing.
The other possibility is that there is an actual vaginal band called a vaginal septum. This is an uncommon vaginal anomaly that is often associated with pain with intercourse, difficulty with tampon insertion or removal, etc. This is all easily sorted out with an exam by an OB/GYN, ideally.
So I am recommending that you schedule a visit with an OB/GYN. This will be extremely easy to sort out with a simple exam. You may or may not need to have this treated - it just depends sometimes if it is creating a problem or not. It is almost certainly safe to have sex, but if you have any problems in this regard, it supports one of the two diagnosis that I have outlined above.
I hope that this helps!
Dr. Raichle
Simple surgical removal
Detailed Answer:
If there is a small band of tissue within the vagina that is easy to define then this can easily be removed. In most cases this would be an outpatient procedure and well tolerated. I think that the fact that you have pain with intercourse supports the diagnosis and is a good reason to be seen at some point.