Question: I fell on March 19, 2014, I missed a step and fell forward and struck my head hard on dirty cement. I immediately felt immense pain and experienced a lot of flashing lights, the same as what I see during painless migraines only on a much greater level. I also felt
nausea immediately after falling, which went away after a few minutes. The light show lasted longer than the nausea. The. blow was to the left temple right along the hairline. (I took a few pictures of the huge lump that raised up to show the dr. if there was any problem later. There was also a laceration visible.) I tried to call the advice line nurse, was told the nurse would return my call and got a return call two days later. By then I felt I was still alive so did not feel it was necessary to get worked up. I am still experiencing occasional, minor
headaches that don't last very long but are worrisome due to what I've been reading online. I did not have online access at the time of the fall. In addition, a few days after the fall I was experiencing some
vertigo while in bed, and when i got up it felt like the room was tilting and almost fell sideways. That happened again later on with the room feeling tilted or my perception of it. I also still have a hard bony lump left behind where the initial swollen lump was, in the same area of the laceration. My concern now is what the long_term effects may be. I was also diagnosed a few years ago with a "cavernous
angioma or a venous malformation" found during an
MRI in July 2007. Am now curious as to if there could be a problem concerning the venous malformation.