What Does Chest Pain With Spasms Indicate While Running In The Cold?
Initially rule out chances of angina.
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Esophageal chest pain can also occur when the esophagus undergoes a strong spasm caused by a motility.Sometimes during stress and motility nerves in esophagus get over stimulated causing series of spasmodic contractions.So i wont deny chances of it esophageal spasm.
However i would initially suggest you to go for following baseline tests of cardiology like-
Cardiac markers like trop I and CPK MB.
2d echo cardiogram and stress test.Esophageal spasm is rare diagnosis and as pain is sqeezing in nature and central in location we have to initially rule out all possibility of angina(chest pain caused due to coronary artery blockage especially if you are a smoker).
However a easyclinical way to diagnose is if its esophageal spasm or not is to take a tablet of isosorbite nitrate(sorbitol) 5 mg sublinguilly when next time you have the same pain.If this pain responds to nitrate it can be esophageal spasm.In that case Endoscopy and Mannometry has to be done.
Hope i was helpful.