What Does Elevated ATL Indicate?
fatty liver
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic
ALT, AST, GGT, ALk phos are liver enzymes. This means that they are chemicals that are used to give an indication of liver function.
They are also released in places other than the liver. Small amounts of ALT are released in the heart, muscles, kidneys.
His ALT is only slightly above the normal limit and there is not likely any significant damage to his liver. The likely reason for the increase is fatty liver. This is the build up of fat in the liver, this is one of the most common causes of increased liver enzymes at the moment.
Fatty liver can sometimes progress to liver failure.
Treatment involves lifestyle changes: increased physical activity and also changes in diet
In terms of the cholesterol values: HDL is the good cholesterol.
The lower the tot chol/HDL ratio, the better. A ratio greater than 5 means an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, at 6.8 , your husband's ratio means that there is an increased risk.
His triglycerides are also high which again means that he is at risk of heart disease. Very high triglycerides can also increase the risk of pancreatitis which his inflammation of the pancreas.
The triglycerides would be reduced faster if he reduces carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates have an impact on triglyceride levels.
Since carbohydrates are also turned into fat, reduced carbohydrate use would also help with reducing the fat build up in the liver. IN fact this is one of the main diet changes for fatty liver- reducing carbs.
Summary: (1) slight increase in ALT, likely due to fatty liver- increase activity and reduce carbs
(2)increase ratio and triglycerides- increased risk of heart disease, high triglycerides also mean increase risk of pancreatitis
(3)abnormal LDL also increases risk of heart disease and stroke
Lifestyle changes and medication would help all of these
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
it is inflammation of the pancreas
Detailed Answer:
Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.
It is a potential complication of very high levels of triglycerides. It may not occur.
Reducing his use of carbohydrates which would reduce his triglyceride levels would reduce the chance of this occurring.
It would be associated with severe abdominal pain, loss appetite, nausea, vomiting, fever.
If he experiences symptoms then he needs to see a doctor but if no symptoms are present then he does not need to see his doctor at this time.
Please feel free to ask any other questions