What Does Excess Saliva Formation After Wisdom Tooth Extraction Indicate?
headache right side above ear hasnt been to Dr fever been going up and down 100-102 taking over the counter med 11 yr old boy This has been going on for a 3 days
Detailed answer...
Thanks for the query.
I have read your query and understand your concern regarding your son.
As far as excessive salivation is concerned,it increases after tooth extraction and is absolutely normal.
Normally fevers are watched for 3-4 days and given only OTC anti fever medicines because generally these are viral in nature and which become all right in around 3-4 days.
But if fever extends beyond 3-4 days,it needs to be investigated to find the cause of fever and then antibiotics and other medications can be taken accordingly.
I would advise you to consult your doctor for examination and investigations.
I hope it helps,however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck