What Does Frequent Urination In A Child Indicate?
Presence of bacteria in urine with symptoms can be infection
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query
Frequent urination in this age is an important sign of urinary tract infection(UTI).
Presence of bacteria along with symptom like frequent small amount of urination suggests urinary tract infection.
Urinary examination can be done by routine microscopic examination or by culture sensitivity.Once the routine examination shows presence of bacteria the culture sensitivity should be done to know the causative organism and to which drug it is sensitive.
I request you to attach the report and also let me know if there is fever.
In the present situation I would like to get urine culture and sensitivity test done and to start empirical antibiotic like cefixime(it has a good coverage for the bacteria causing UTI) after collection of urine sample.It is a prescription medicine so please get it prescribed by a physician.
Give plenty of fluid to flush the bacteria from the urinary tract.
Once the report of culture and sensitivity pattern comes we would be able to know the causative organism and whether change of antibiotic is needed or not.
Once the urinary infection is confirmed by culture report evaluation of kidney,ureter and bladder will also be needed.
I shall be glad to answer if you have any more query.
Wish your child speedy recovery
Fever is not always there in UTI
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up
I am sorry for the delayed response.
UTI may or may not be associated with fever.
Fever is uncommon in lower urinary tract infection like bladder or urethra while it is more commonly associated with upper tract infection like that of kidney.
My aim of asking for fever was to assess the severity and to tell you the management to bring down the temperature.
I hope he is doing well.