What Does High ALT Level Indicate?
It may be due to drugs or billiary obstruction.
Detailed Answer:
Hi, dear.
I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your alt is slightly high. It is a liver enzyme. Its level increase in liver damage. It may be due to hepatitis or drug or alcohol or diet. Your hepatitis panel is negative and no alcohol as you said. So chances of drug induced increase is more common.
Your ggt is also high suggest some billiary tract obstruction or drug induced. Some pruritus is there but no icterus or dark urine so its very difficult to say. However chances of billiary tract obstruction are less.
Just wait for your ultrasound abdomen report. If it is normal then mostly drug induced increased can be considered. If it suggest any obstruction then take treatment accordingly.
Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Yes it will come back to normal within few days.
Detailed Answer:
Hi, dear.
I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. If your ultrasound abdomen report comes negative then mostly you have some drug induced liver damage. So it will become normal in absence of offending drugs.
No need to worry that much. Just be relaxed.
Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer you again.
Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.
Abdominal ultrasound mild hepatic steatosis
Renal ultrasound partially identified leiomymatous uterus
What does that means?
You don't have any biliary obstruction.
Detailed Answer:
Hi, dear.
I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have mild hepatic steatosis. Your liver enzymes are increased due to that. You don't have any obstruction as per your ultrasound abdomen report. So its likely to be drug induced.
Wait for some time and regularly check your liver enzymes. Avoid alcohol and oily diet.
You have leiomyomatous uterus. It means you have some fibroids in your uterus. It is benign tumour of smooth muscle. it is very common condition. Don't worry about that. If you don't have any symptoms then no any treatment is required. If you have symptoms like heavy bleeding then myomectomy or hysterectomy is needed accordingly.
Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health.