What Does It Mean When I Test To Be Immune From Tetanus And Difteria?
We discussed possible tetanus earlier, if you remember. My doctor ordered a bloodtest to see if i was immune. The test came back saying i was immune to tetanus and difteria. Something about titer? He Said my titers were so high i was immune.
I dont understand.
Can this be wrong? Can this not be the antibodies but the avtial tetanus that showed up?
Does that make the possibility small that these symptoms are tetanus, or does it just mean that my vaccine lays dorment and dont really mean that i am protected without å boostershot the days following my bite?
I thought the vaccine needs to be waken up after ten years?
Ny symptoms contines. Small musclespasms in calfs jaw and arms, meaning twitching. Also sore and stiff in muscles as explained earlier.
Thank you
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
I am glad to hear that your immune response is high. This means that the chances of getting Tetanus and difteria are really low.
For this reason, I agree with your doctor that everything seems to be OK.
I don't think that these tests are related to the activation of the infection.
So, in my opinion, you should not worry any more about tetanus possible infection and there is no need for a re-vaccination.
Coming to this point, as your symptoms persist, I would recommend performing further tests to investigate for other possible causes of muscle spasms (vitamin D deficiency, electrolyte imbalances, anxiety, caffeine intake, thyroid gland dysfunction, benign fasciculation syndrome, etc..)
For this reason, I would recommend performing further tests:
- thyroid hormone levels
- complete blood count, PCR for inflammation
- vitamin D plasma levels
- blood electrolytes.
Meanwhile, I recommend taking alprazolam for a short period of time (three times daily 0.25mg) or a herbal supplement (Passiflora, valeriana), which can help relax the sympathetic nervous system and also the muscle spasms.
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
Wishing all the best,
Dr. Iliri
IO just find it strange that these things occured after the skinpuncture while playing with dog. These fasiculations of the muscles is wandering around the body. Yesterday my calfs were the worst, and today my jawline is twitching.
Bloodtests showed also that I was low on vitamin D and B12. But not VERY low.
My opinion as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
Thank you for the additional information!
Coming to this point, I would recommend taking vitamin D and vitamin B12 supplements. Calcium and magnesium supplements are also necessary to improve your situation.
The fact that your symptoms were triggered by the skinpuncture, it could be related to the pain or to the sympathetic nervous system activation, in a sensitive person like you.
Vitamin D and vitamin B12 deficiency can trigger all this situation too.
But, there is no reason to worry about tetanus.
So, just relax and try not to think about it!
If you have any other questions, I would be glad to answer at anytime!
Wishing good health,
Dr. Iliri