What Does It Mean When My Big Toenails Have Ridges
Thank you
maybe due to onychorrhexis
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
The presence of vertical ridges is called onychorrhexis.
The ridges or striations can be due to different causes such as aging, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral vascular disease (poor circulation), lichen planus (skin condition with irritation/swelling and other changes of the nails, skin,hair), trauma, anemia, thyroid disease
These are some of the more common reasons for the changes.
if you have other symptoms, then you may need to be seen by your doctor for assessment.
Examination and bloods may be needed to rule out some of the other causes if suspected
Treatment would depend on the cause. If thought to be due to aging, there would be no specific treatment.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
anything to do with the ridges?
it can occur in some persons
Detailed Answer:
There are some nail and skin changes that can occur in diabetics
Yellow nails is the most common change in diabetes but ridges (onychorrhexis) is also possible.
The yellow changes, if they occur, are thought to be due to reduced circulation and also the build up of certain products.
In some persons, there may also be slow nail growth which again is related to the blood supply to the nail bed
Please feel free to ask anything else