What Does It Mean When You Lose Your Sense Of Taste?
Needs mri brain
Detailed Answer:
I have read your message.
I think I can help you.
The loss of taste or hypoguesia is a problem that arise from the affected cranial nerves commonly.
The most common cause of this is common cold.
However , in your case, both diabetes as well as kidney disease can cause damage to the nerves leadING to the problem.
Testing of an MRI of the Brain will also be useful.
You will need to meet a Neurologist to examine and confirm the diagnosis.
Unfortunately, the treatment of the condition is not very specific.
You will need to control the sugars very well and similarly, the kidney toxins should be well controlled.
The common cold, if present, needs to be treated.
I have tried to make it as simple as possible.
Feel free to contact me on the subject for more information.
Best of luck. Dr Mittal