What Does Low Prolactin Levels Mean?
hormone secreted by pituitary
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
There is an area in the brain called the pituitary.
It is involved in the release of a number of different hormones. Prolactin is one of the hormones that is released from the pituitary.
Prolactin is involved in stimulating breast development and milk production in women.
High levels of prolactin (hyperprolactinemia) can be due to: (1)hypothyroidism- low levels of thyroid hormone may be involved in high levels of prolactin
This can be checked by blood tests. If this is the case, treatment of the thyroid problem would help
(2)side effect of medication- there are a number of different medications that are associated with high prolactin
(3)prolactin secreting tumor in the pituitary.
These are divided into microadenomas (less than 10mm in size) and macroadenomas (more than 10 mm in size)
These are benign tumors.
These are detected by imaging tests such as CT or MRI
Most microadenomas do not grow up to macroadenomas and are only treated with medication such as bromocriptine.
This is used on many macroadenomas as well.
It causes the mass to shrink.
The endocrinologist would continue any further testing.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
sorry , because hyper much more common
Detailed Answer:
Hyprolactinemia (low prolactin levels) , is not as common as hyperprolactinemia.
In the vast majority of persons it occurs as a result of dysfunction (abnormal function) of the anterior pituitary (front aspect of pituitary).
This can also be related to a pituitary tumor but in this case instead of a tumor releasing prolactin, it compresses and prevents the pituitary from releasing prolactin causing low levels.
The other causes are: head injury
(2)infections such as tb or fungal infections such as histoplamosis
(3)infiltrative diseases (diseases in which part of the body is infiltrated by another substance)
Includes conditions such as sarcoidosis, hematochromatosis
(4)genetic causes
(5)parastellar diseases- the parastellar area is a particular area of the brain
This may also be in the form of a mass or tumor but these are also usually benign (non cancerous
Again, imaging would be need to determine if there are any changes in the pituitary causing this problem