What Does Mild Anisopoikilocytosis And Predominantly Microcytic Hypochromic Mean?
ovalocytes and elliptocytes Platelets :Incresed in smear what does this means
A full blood count provides information on the hemoglobin, the white cell count and its breakdown of the types of white cells, platelet count, the structure or shape of the red blood cells present, the intensity or 'colour' of the red blood cells.
Anisopoikilocytosis- this means red blood cells of different shapes and sizes
The term normocytic means that the red blood cells are of normal size, microcytic means that they are smaller than normal.
Normochromic means that there is a normal concentration of hemoglobin in the red blood cell, hypochromic means that the concentration is decreased.
Anemia/low red cell mass (with a low hemoglobin) is classified as (1)normochromic, normocytic anemia ( 2) microcytic hypochromic anemia (3) macrocytic anemia.
The most common cause of microcytic hypochromic anemia is iron deficiency, though there are other causes. Futher investigations would normally involve checking serum iron and total iron binding capacity- these would determine if the cause is iron deficiency or otherwise.
Iron deficiency is often due to small unnoticable amounts of blood loss and if this is found , there will be other investigations to be done.
An elliptocyte is an oval to cigar shaped red blood cell which is seen in some types of anemia such as iron def anemia. They are also called ovalacytes. 15% or less of red blood cells can be shaped as elliptocytes , if above this it is considered abnormal.
The smear indicates that you likely have microcytic hypochromic anemia which may be secondary to iron deficiency.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
Is the Hemoglobin count is very less.... should need to take some Iron tonic or Iron tablets....
Is there any major problem in the body...?? What medicines do you suggest to take... ??
The results indicate that you have anemia likely due to iron deficiency. This can be treated by using iron supplements but even more important your doctors need to find out why you are iron deficient.
The most common causes are diet and chronic blood loss. They will check for any evidence of chronic blood loss by investigating the your intestines by stool tests and imaging.
These tests would give an idea about what it is happening
Feel free to ask any other questions