What Does "mild Asymmetric Opercular Atrophy On The Left And Slight Dolichoectasia Of The Vertebral Basilar Artery On The Left" Mean ?
Thanks for your query.
Before I go ahead, I must explain a few terminologies to you.
Operculum is a part of the Frontal Lobe of the brain. Its the front portion of the brain belonging to the pre-frontal cortex.
The predominant functions of the frontal lobe are related to Speech and Language and Behavior and Decision Making.
Your MRI Suggests that you have mild asymmetric Opercular Atrophy. This can be a age related changes. Or it can be related to degeneration. Whats more important is your symptoms. If you have any symptoms (Memory Disturbance, Personality Changes, Mood Changes, Speech Defects, Intellectual Abnormalities) suggestive of frontal lobe dysfunction, then, these findings assume significance. However, there will not be any medications to reverse this atrophy. Medicine will be available to control your symptoms if you have any.
The second finding in your MRI is Slight Dolicoectasia of the Vertebral Artery on the left side. Dolicoectasia means, elongation and distension. In simple terms it means that the artery has become elongated, tortuous and distended.
Its most commonly associated with high blood pressure and predominantly effects Vertebrobasilar artery. If severe, it can compress the surrounding cranial nerves (VII and V) and can cause symptoms such as facial pain of the affected side, facial weakness and some times giddiness. Mild dolicoectasia might be an incidental finding and may not be associated with any symptoms. please let me is any.. You will need to get your Blood Pressure controlled if its elevated.
Be reassured.
Hope this answers your query.
Thanks and Regards
Dr Kiran