What Does My CT Scan Report Indicate?
IBS may be the cause
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Thanks for your query, albeit short and odd.
To recapitulate: Female: 40 - full gnawing pain in stomach - also causing back pain - 4 months - Nexium and Zantac do not work - pain is daily - gets better with alcohol - Contrast CT - need Endoscopy - wants to know what is this and could it be cancer - history of *IBS ...
Please mention the findings of CT scan of abdomen.
Alcohol can ease pain in abdomen if this is due to IBS and you have history of IBS as mentioned by you.
Nexium and Zantac might have helped as they reduce acidity alone and has no effect on IBS.
Most of the investigations will be normal for one to say this to be due to IBS.
IBS has a definite relation with stress and/or anxiety and alcohol helps to relieve these.
Please get the stool, blood and urine test.
CT has already been done.
What remains is Upper GI Endoscopy and colonoscopy.
If all the tests are normal, possibility of IBS being the cause can be considered and hence not related to cancer. as per the present information.
If you have constipation
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Emotional thoughts changes make it towards IBS.
IBS can be in two forms, one can be diarrhea and the other constipation
Do you get hard stools or constipation? If not then no slowing down.
Possibly yes.
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Nice to know.
Possibly yes, gluten free helping you to be regular as also for burning pain.
Inverse relation of stomach pain and back pain indicate towards myalgia in the back and again can be related to the emotional changes.
Yes, as per the available information
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Yes, as per the available information that you have provided.