What Does My ECG Report Indicate?
Not definite / needs further assessment
Detailed Answer:
Hi friend
Welcome to Health Care Magic
She has Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) / probably Diabetic… Needs Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) and HbA1c (glycosylated haemoglobin) for further evaluation
Her total cholesterol is high / needs Lipid Profile – HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol etc…
The ECG is suggestive only - not confirmative – because of absent R wave. There are no other supportive changes… It is a machine interpretation and needs confirmation.
It may or may not be – probably not – an infarct!
There are other reasons – like misplaced lead, Cardiomyopathy etc., which could cause similar pattern
Get her examined by a Cardiologist / one should repeat the ECG and do cardiac markers (enzymes - blood test)
An ECHOcardiogram and stress ECG (TMT - treadmill exercise ECG) are often necessary to rule it out (or rule in)
Good luck
God bless you
NO infarction / Needs drug, life-style changes, more tests & follow up
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STRESS ECG (TMT) is NEGATIVE / it practically excludes Coronary
KIDNEY / LIVER function normal / blood COUNT normal
CHOLESTEROL – very high / LDL is bad cholesterol (LDL = 188)– lower, the better.
In the absence of any other risk factor 100 is ideal for LDL-C. In the presence of ischemia, 70 should be the aim.
Keep her weight to normal / even a little less
Quit smoking, if she is a smoker
Regular EXERCISE – say walking or jogging - 30 minutes a day / at least 5 days in a week. Healthy FOOD is a must. Avoid saturated fats – coconut oil, palm oil, butter, ghee, full cream milk...Avoid junk foods in particular – French fries have palm oil / Pizza has cheese / XXXXXXX sweets are made in ghee.../ Change to Poly-un-saturated oil – like sun flower oil. / Include Mono-un-saturated oil – Olive oil.
Start drug straight away – this level cannot be controlled by life style changes alone / Statin is the first choice – Atorvastatin 40 mg or any other equivalent statin).
Repeat the test in 6 weeks. Cholesterol can still be high, because it is also manufactured in the liver – and that is determined by heredity… may have to step up the dose and/or add one more drug like ezetimibe
SUGAR – HIGH / need GTT and HbA1c, as already suggested
THYROID – High T-4 and low TSH / need further tests and follow up– consult an Endocrinologist
See Endocrinologist
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Sorry, I couldn't see her in person
I am XXXXXXX based / but most of the times , out of city or country....
Apollo hospital - where she was seen already - is quite good / keep following up there
And she should be seen by an Endocrinologist (Hormone specialist) now
1-start statin immediately for 6 weeks
2-change diet and exercise changes per your advise
3-repeat the test and then visit an endocrinologist based on the updated results.
One other question - she is taking some ayurvedic medicine for chronic cold, i assume statin drug is not contra for this. Can you please confirm this also.
Thanks much doctor.
Restrict to any one system /
Detailed Answer:
Life style modifications are a MUST – drugs supplement not supplant it
A good dietician could be of real help… because it is life long... We have to change the QUANTITY of food and change the QUALITY too. It is not possible to explain or understand the nuances on a single occasion. One generally needs SEVERAL sessions, to master concepts of calories, nutritional values, biological value, vitamins, minerals and so on.
I would suggest to stick to ONE SYSTEM of Medicine!
Drug interaction cannot be completely excluded, unless the exact composition of the drug is known… Even if it is known, there are likely to be only few studies on such / particular combination.
I will suggest Statin alone … (I am also taking it!)
God bless you