What Does My Blood Sugar Level Of 335 Mg/dl Indicate?
He just started metformin today hgba1c was 9.5
Metformin will take time.
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Good day.
Noted your concern. Metformin takes at least 3 weeks to reach its full action. In the interim he need to switch to a healthy diet as advised by a dietician and also start exercise regimen. please do not worry about one reading of 365 mg if he is otherwise stable. but if he is vomiting, sick or having breathing difficulties, please take him to a hospital. Recheck glucose after couple of hours and if repeat glucose is still high, we may have to start other medicines apart from Metformin. Is he appearing sick /Vomiting /dehydrated or is there any breathing difficulty?
Insulin is the safest and fastest medicine in this setting followed by pills like Diamicron. These medicines can be stopped or dose can be reduced once Metformin takes full effect ( takes 3 weeks). Howevet , with an HBA1C of 9.5%, I am doubtful if Metformin alone would be sufficient for him.
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Thank you for the reply. Dry mouth is a symptom of fluid loss and dehydration. May I suggest that , it would be safest to visit a hospital so that they can check his urine and Blood for presence of ketones. if that is positive, he will need insulin. Presence of ketones indicates that there is insulin deficiency in body. If ketones are negative, they may start him on other pills like Diamicron along with Metformin.