What Does My Blood Test Report And Urine Analysis Indicate?

Creatinine Result : 1.002. Random Plasma Glucose : 823. CUE Colour : Pale Yellow Appearance : Clear Specific Gravity : 1.020 Reaction/pH : Acidic (6.5) Protien : NIL Sugar (Glucose) : NILUrobilinogen : Normal Biliruben : Negative Keytones : NegativeNitrites : Negative Pus Cells : 2-3/HPF R.B.C - Nil Epithelial Cells :4-6/HPFCasts and Crystals : Nil4.Ultrasound Scan of KUBRight Kidney : 111X40mm, Left Kidney : 105 X 48mmBoth kidneys are normal in size, shape and positionNo evidence of echo reflective calculus noted.Pelvicalyceal system is normal on both sidesProstate size : 37 X 32 X36 mm; volume +23 ccProstate is mild enlarged in size and echotexture.Urinary bladder is normal. No evidence of any mass lesions noted.Prevoid Urine Volume - 310 CCPost void residual urine volume - 25 CCNo evidence of free fluid noted.No evidence para - aortic lymphadenopathy notedImpression : Mild prostatomegaly (Volume - 23 CC)NIL significant postvoid residual urine.
explained lab by lab, all clear except........
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking!
Let me explain these lab results to you one by one.
1)Creatinine: The reference range of an adult man like you is 0.5–1.2 mg/dL. SO you are in range and creatinine levels are normal.
2)Random blood glucose: The reference ranges of glucose are as follows
Fasting plasma glucose: 70-99 mg/dL
Postprandial plasma glucose at 2 hours: Less than 140 mg/dL
Random plasma glucose: Less than 140 mg/dL
Serum glucose values are 1.15% lower than plasma glucose values.
Now your level of 823 is markedly increased and needs urgent care or you might be in severe complications like DKA and hyperosmolar coma. Get to ER for the urgent control of insulin and later consult an endocrinologist or a diabetologist for a complete insulin and antidiabetic regimen to keep the values in range.
3)Normal values of urinalysis are as follows.
Normal values are as follows:
Color – Yellow (light/pale to dark/deep amber)
Clarity/turbidity – Clear or cloudy (your clear)
pH – 4.5-8 ( normal in your case)
Specific gravity – 1.005-1.025 normal in your case
Glucose - ≤130 mg/d
Ketones – None
Nitrates – Negative
Leukocyte esterase – Negative
Bilirubin – Negative
Urobilirubin – Small amount (0.5-1 mg/dL)
Blood - ≤3 RBCs
Protein - ≤150 mg/d
RBCs - ≤RBCs/hpf
WBCs - ≤2-5 WBCs/hpf
Squamous epithelial cells - ≤15-20 squamous epithelial cells/hpf
Casts – 0-5 hyaline casts/lpf
Crystals – Occasionally
Bacteria – None
Yeast - None
From the urinalysis all entities are clear except glucose which is for sure to come in urine because of its higher levels in plasma. and will keep coming unless glucose in plasma drops to normal range.
4) Renal status from sonography is clear for size , texture and echogenicity and nothing to worry about. rest needs a clinical correlation if any symptom present.
5)A normal prostate gland is approximately 20 g in volume ( yours is 23), 3 cm in length, 4 cm wide, and 2 cm in depth. As men get older, the prostate gland is variable in size secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia. and your mildly enlarged prostate ends to be correlated clinically by a urologist for any hyperplasia symptoms.
6) Urodynamics: Normal functional bladder capacity in adults ranges from approximately 300 to 400 ml so you are good in the capacity mode. A post-void residual urine greater than 50 ml is a significant amount of urine and increases the potential for recurring urinary tract infections and indicates some underlying detrusor muscle trouble and neurogenic issue.
Your post void residual volume of urine is just 25 cc which is normal and insignificant so you are good to go in that regard too.
Nutshell, you need to seek an endocrinologist for the management of this deranged glucose profile and a urologist to guide you for combating this currently not to worry about prostate and keep you out of the woods for future trouble. Such little size increment is fine with age relation but still its good to be safe and in constant touch to avoid troubles. Make good friends with endocrinologist and urologist as you are gonna need them in future.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.
May the odds be ever in your favour.
S Khan

FAntastic then,
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for getting back!
Then it makes it more ideal. You are good to go then.Just have annual prostate exam and assessment to stay out of the woods.rest assured you are at the healthiest possible stage at this age group compared to your fellow age humans.
Take care

It is so kind of you, sir, to have enlightened me on my health condition.
Request your advice as to the medication and any further tests and I shall close the discussion.
Thanking you,
No worries, all clear
Detailed Answer:
Thank you Mr reddy!
Right now that would be all. you have all necessary labs. Just have a touch with your urologist once a year at least and do report to him if any symptom of prostate shows up like
Urinary frequency
Urinary urgency
Hesitancy - Difficulty initiating the urinary stream; interrupted, weak stream
Incomplete bladder emptying - The feeling of persistent residual urine, regardless of the frequency of urination
Straining - The need strain or push (Valsalva maneuver) to initiate and maintain urination in order to more fully evacuate the bladder
Decreased force of stream - The subjective loss of force of the urinary stream over time
Dribbling - The loss of small amounts of urine due to a poor urinary stream.
rest assured all the labs are enough and you have nothing to worry about. rest assured age above 40 is normal with slight minor changes of prostate. Seek a urologist in case of any symptoms i mentioned above.
May the odds be ever in your favour.

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