Brief Answer:
Anemia and active inflammation
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query. The elevated white count with a predominance of neutrophils is suggestive of an acute inflammatory process, or an infection. It could be related to your
inflammatory bowel disease or independent; if you have infectious symptoms such as
fever, pain, respiratory complaints, digestive complaints, etc, you should consult your physician to determine about further workup such as cultures; the other abnormal test is the
hemoglobin, you have anemia which is below the expected number for "physiologic" anemia of pregnancy; the cause cannot be determined just by the numbers provided, a ferritin and complete iron studies would be needed to better understand, but again, this could be
anemia of chronic disease related to your Chron's; it is important, however to address the anemia as it may affect delivery of
oxygen to the placenta, and anemia can worsen given that your nutrients go also to fetus.
Hope this helps, wish you the best,
Dr. Brenes-Salazar MD
Mayo Clinic MN