What Does My Colonoscopy Result Report Indicate?
. now i seem to have lower stomach pains. i have been suffering with a lot of problems with eating . i don't have indigestion but belching and coughing. its a long story, the laxative really didn't do much. my last colonoscopy was almost 3 years ago. removed some polops, i've always had sluggish bowels but nothing like this. I'm worried because i have gas pains but then cannot go.
Several advises given and a couple of tests recommended.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking at healthcaremagic.
I carefully read your question and understand your concern.
There area several causes of the difficulty with the bowel movements and most common one is constipation and very likely this is what you are having.
To help with this you need to have several measures:
1. fruit and vegetable daily, you need 4-5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Plums and pears have a lot of fibers so make sure you take some of those daily
2. drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated
3. avoid junk food, fried food and fatty food. Avoid excess pastries (even bread, pasta, etc) as they worsen constipation.
4. take some daily fiber as supplement (Psillium is one kind of fiber you can take). Take it daily so you can help your stools be softer and easy to transit in your bowels.
5. lactulose syrup, 1-2 table spoon a day to help with your bowel movements if the above measures do not help in a couple of weeks.
7. to rule out other causes of the difficult bowel movements i would recommend you to have a stool sample for ova and parasites (3 normal results are needed to somehow rule out giardia)
8. if you have not had colonoscopy in the last 2 years you will need one. This is routinely recommended after 50 years of age to be done every 5-10 years so you might need one if you have not had one recently.
I hope this is helpful to you and answers to your questions but please feel free to contact me in case there is need for more clarification on this.
Kind regards,
Antoneta Zotaj, MD