What Does My Kidney Function Test Indicate?
Should they continue with their calcium supplementation for osteoporosis or is this going to add more calcium to their blood because of their high PTH?
Thank you.
Reasons for normal calcium and high PTH
Detailed Answer:
Good day,
Noted your concern.
The rised PTH in the presence of normal calcium and kidney functions could be due to 3 reasons
1) Normocalcemic hyperparathyroidim
2) Vitamin D deficiency.
3) Excess calcium secretion in Urine.
They should get a Vitamin D level done. A urine calcium to creatinine ratio is also required. They should also get a DXA scan for bone density.
If allready Osteoporosis exists, then continuing calcium is must even if PTH is elevated. However, need intermittent measurement of serum calcium. Calcium supplementation of 500 to 800 mg a day is recommended now. This is essential to prevent further rise of PTH.
May i suggest following tests ( all in fasting state)
1) Serum calcium and albumin
2) Serum Phosphorus
3) LFT and Alkaline phosphatase.
4) Urine calcium to creatinine ratio and a 24 hour urine calcium
5) Serum Magnesium
6) DXA scan
( i presume the kidney functon test was recent)
Thank you for your very detailed response - greatly appreciated. We will now be able to have better communication to take into our upcoming appointment.
Thank you
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the reply. If you have further queries please feel free to ask. Wish a speedy recovery