What Does My Sputum Culture Test Report Indicate?
I have been suffering from severe coufghing.doctor advised to sputum culture & sensitivity.
I have the test and this are the results.
Gram stain..Gram negative short bacilli seen?
AFB stain...No Afb seen
Gram stain...many pus cells,few epithelial cells,many positive cocci in pairs and long chains,gram negative cocci,gram positive bacilli were seen
Bio chemical reactions.
Indole..positive. Methyl Red...negative
Vogues prosker...positive. Citrate........positive
Tsi....acid butt/acid slant. Motility......non motile
My doctor out of station will be back after 10 days.please advice. Should I consult doctor assistant
Respiratory infection
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
Your sputum culture result is inconclusive as it has grown /shown a mixture of gram positive and gram negative bacteria.You were already on a combination of antibiotics -to start with Aazithromycin and Cefpodoxime(200 mg),Clavulanic Acid(125 mg) and subsequently Moxifloxacin for 7 days. Sputum culture is also unlikely to grow any specific organism,once you are already exhibited antibiotics.
I feel you go for complete blood count (CBC) and a X-ray chest PA view to exclude lung parenchymal involvement.
Meanwhile you can continue Moxifloxacin for 3 more days (total 10 days) in addition to supportive drugs like Xyzal (levocetirizine).
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX