What Does My Ultrasound Scan Report Indicate?
Needs to rule out Enlarged Prostate .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query ,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that your Ultrasound Scanning has revealed little thickening of bladder wall with some nodular foci.
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) Do you have obstructive voiding symptoms like increased frequency,poor stream,nocturia etc?
2) Did you have hematuria (Blood in urine ) any time in recent past ?
Nodular foci that are seen in bladder wall may be mostly thickened bladder wall which is not completely distended while doing scanning .However it needs to be confirmed by doing endoscopic examination of bladder (Cystoscopy)
The advantage of doing Cystoscopy over CT are
1)Cystoscopy will give precise nature of the pathology as it is being seen directly through the telescope .where as C.T is again a indirect evidence and may not give 100% accurate diagnosis .
2) If lesion is suspicious urologist will take biopsy from the lesion for histopathological examination .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
no blood but there is burning and nocturia. at times urgency. which is why the ultra sound was ordered. there is a strong stream. my concern is uncontrollable bleeding from cycscsopy because of the blood thinner (plavix) which i must take because of coronary stents. my cardiologist is emphatic in stating that the plavix cannot be stopped. i know that the bladder might not have been completely distended because of not drinking water as directed for test. i was fearful about not being able to hold a full bladder. the burning is not uti or std, both ruled out. also this is not new condition. ive had burning symptom on and off over many years.
also the prostate is "not particularly enlarged, lthough the median lobe is somewhat prominent." 3.6 X 4.3 X 4.8 cm. i have been treated for prostatitis in years past but never had any PSA number out of range
Cystoscopy never cause uncontrolled bleeding .
Detailed Answer:
Hello .
It is your fear that Cystoscopy will cause uncontrolled bleeding .It is a simple procedure and if needed blood thinner can be withheld only for 3 days prior to Cystoscopy .(That is what we do before doing any surgical procedure on patient who is on blood thinners )
The enlarged prostate that you have involves median lobe may need endoscopic surgery TURP in near future .
I personally think that you should get Cystoscopy done .This will help us to confirm the diagnosis and settle down dilema about Ultrasound Scan finding .
Thanks and Regards.