What Does My Ultrasound Scan Report Indicate?
My father is 62 years old and diabetic from past 25 years, last year in April 2016 he has done bivessel CABG surgery. As part of routine health check up we have done ultrasound of abdomen and in the result it is mentioned Multiple periportal and peripancreatic protosystemic collaterals and suggested CECT of abdomen.
He is not having any symptoms related to stomach and general physician has done physical examination and everything looked normal.
Could you please let us know what exactly this means?
All blood work liver function test, kidney, cbc,everything came normal
Description given below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for choosing HealthcareMagic for your query,
Portal vein is a vein conveying blood to the liver from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and intestines.When the native portal vein is thrombosed(mostly by clots formed in old age) collateral channels develop in the porta hepatis(around it) to bypass the occlusion.In lay mans language consider portal vein to be a highway leading to a city(Liver),Suppose some how if the highway get disrupted then to decongest traffic parallel small roads are used by for decongestion. In the same way when main vein is blocked our body develops number of small vessels termed as collaterals. Its a normal physiological phenomenon.
Peripancreatic colllaterals are around pancreas rest every thing is same.Its a physiological process followed by our body to cope up with a clogged vessel.
As all other tests are normal,I don't feel that there is any need to worry.
Secondly ultra sound is a baseline test ,so to be on a safe side i would advice you to go for CT abdomen.
In case of any other query i would be glad to answer.
So it seems to be normal and natural phenomenon and not something which requires immediate attention. CRP,ESR, PSA also came normal.
Regarding CT scan with contrast, radiologist was saying there could be reactions of contrast, my father has done angiography last year with contrast so it is safe to go for it? He mentioned non ionic based contrast to use and to stop metformin for 2 days.
I have attached ultrasound reports as well.
Follow up answer.
Detailed Answer:
Have gone through reports and your query,
Get a kidney function test done(serum urea and creatinine),If they are normal XXXXXXX can be used.As you of XXXXXXX can detoriate renal parameters hence Kidney functions should be done before using contrast.If KFT is normal using contrast one year back has no relevence.
Metformin is metabolised by liver and excreted by kidney,That's why your Gastro might have asked to discontinue it 2 days before.
No need to worry right now,Go for CECT and follow up with reports.
From my side show me Kidney function test and iof they are normal he is clear to go for contrast.
Follow up
Detailed Answer:
All parameters are normal.He can proceed for CECT.
Follow up with reports.
Good luck.