What Does My Urine Analysis Report Indicate?
urine color:yellow
urine ph:6.5
specific gravity:1.005
pus cells:2-4 hpf
epithelial cells:15-20
others:4-6 yeast cells seen
I consulted a doctor with this report,she gave me an antifungal tab and clotrimazole cream.but since there is bacteria present,should nt i be taking antibiotics.
probably not significant
Detailed Answer:
You did not mention why you had a urine analysis done. But there is a significant possibility that the bacteria that were picked up on the complete urine analysis were colonizers or artifacts, meaning they are not truly infective, in which case you would have had nitrite positive or increased pus cells, neither of which are positive in your case.
As a matter of fact, at 25 years of age, even yeast cell presence is probably to be taken with a pinch of salt, as it needs to be treated only when you have frankly uncontrolled diabetes, or have an indwelling catheter or have recently been on prolonged antibiotics.
I suggest you repeat the urine analysis again, which is not an exoebsice or difficult test, preferably at a reputed lab, and if it shows a similar picture, please give urine for culture and sensitivity and only if a significant growth is seen in culture would you really require antibiotics.
Hope I have been able to reassure you.