What Does My Widal Test Result Indicate?
i have shortlisted about it..
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic,
After observing the blood report you have given I want to clarify few things which are outlined below...
1. For Typhoid fever widal test is no more considered as a diagnostic test. All the physicians around the globe dont consider the widal tests for diagnosis.
2. If a patient previously attacked by typhoid the antibodies persist for more than 2-3 yrs . so when ever you do the widal test in that period you would get positive result only.
3. If the O titre is more than 1:100, H titre is more than 1:200 and ,if the titre value is doubling or tripling day by day along with clinical symptoms of typhoid are there then there is possibility of typhoid fever and you should seek for medical attention.
4.Coming to brucellosis , the same as widal test applicable here , but in matter of titre value it must be greater than 1:160 and there should be clinical symptoms of brucellosis also.
5. Regarding Brucellosis :-Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that means man acquires infection from animals. but person to person infection is very rare.
5. Regarding Typhoid , its acquired by faeco -oral route, wash your hands with soap after defaecation.
6. coming to treatment :- It depends on the patients clinical situation which is judged by careful examination of patient . Dont simply start the treatment by relying upon lab tests.
If you have any further problem you better see your local physician and discuss about the treatment options.
I will be helpful ,if you light up further doubts...