What Does No Spermatozoa Present In Ejaculate Means?
This may indicate infertility
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear,
No spermatozoa means no live sperms in your semen. This is a cause for male infertility.
Before going for further investigations, we can just repeat the test with another sample, after 3 days of abstinence. Analysis should be done within one hour of sample collection. If the same report comes again, this needs further evaluation.
Whether this infertility is correctable or not, will depend on further investigations.
Additional investigations needed are: imaging to look for any anatomical abnormalities of the genital tract, hormonal studies (FSH,LH,TESTOSTERONE etc) and some times a testicular biopsy.
Your doctor will guide you in this.
Hope I have answered your query.
Wishing you good health.
Thank you.