Brief Answer:
May be harmless but infection to be ruled out
Detailed Answer:
Hello XXXXX,
Thanks for writing to XXXXXXX
The might be a number of causes for red spots on your penis depending on the size, number, distribution, any pain or itching.
People often get scared when they find red spots in the penis but most of the time it is harmless. However, if due to any
sexually transmitted disease, it must be confirmed and treated immediately to avoid complications and damage.
In many people, most of the red itchy spots are caused by skin irritation during
oral sex or during sexual intercourse. It can also be due to
allergy from lubricants or mild bacterial infection. In this case the spots should be treated with antibiotic, antifungal or
steroid cream or usually they disappear on their own in couple of weeks. If they still persist than it's perhaps a condition which needs to be further investigated in detail suspecting a sexually transmitted infection.
It is important to know if your oral sex partner has
herpes infection. If she is infected, you must consult your doctor and get investigated for sexually transmitted infections.
Get well soon.
Hope i have answered your query.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care