What Does Positive IgG For HSV 1 Indicate?
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to healthcaremagic
I am Dr. Kakkar. I have gone through your query and I have understood it.
A positive IgG for HSV 1 indicates that you are infected with herpes but that does'nt confirm that the particular episode you are referring to was due to genital herpes. It could be either an unrelated abrasion or herpes.
Titre does'nt tell anything about the duration of infection. IgG positivity does tell that it is an old infection (> 1 month old) and not recently acquired. Whereas, IgM positivity in the absence of IgG negativity would have indicated a recent infection. However, both IgG and IgM may become positive during a recurrent episode of herpes.
The major disadvantage of the culture is its high rate of false negatives. Because a culture works by requiring virus that is active, if a lesion is very small, or is already beginning to heal, there may not be enough virus present for an accurate culture. Moreover beyond 48 hours of the symptoms appearing, there is a risk of receiving a false negative test result. Viral culture is even less accurate during recurrences (positive in only about 30% of recurrent outbreaks).
Hope this helps