What Does Small Epididymal Cyst Causing Discomfort In Testis Indicate?
Wearing right size underwear important
Detailed Answer:
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Greetings of the day
Small epididymal cyst may produce mild discomfort and are unlikely to have continued pain. If the contents of cyst fluid are clear and ultrasound had shown no internal echoes then it's unlikely to be infected cyst. I hope Doppler was also done at that time to rule out Varicocele ( it's the dilatation and elongation of testicular veins).
If there is no discrepancy in size of both testis, testis shows normal vascularity (blood supply) and there is no congestion there is definitely no cause for concern.
Wearing proper size underwear which is neither tight nor loose is all that is required.
Do get back to me if you need any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take care
Best Regards
Dr T Shobha Deepak
both testis are normally positioned in the scrotum and are of normal size.right testis measures 3.8cm x3.3 cm x1.9cm and left testis measures 4.1x3.1x2.1 cm.
both testis show a uniform parenchymal echogenicity,smooth outlines and absence of any focal or diffuse lesion.
both epididymis are of normal size and echogenicity.
small cyst is shown in each side measuring right 5mmx3mm,left 6mmx4mm.
there is no evidence of varicocele,hydrocele or hernia in both scrotal sacs.
the pampiniform plexus was examined using colour doppler before and after valsalvas maneuver.
the inguinal regions are normal with no evidence of lymphadenopathy.
impression: small epididymal cyst in both sides.
this is placed for your consideration.
Epididymal cyst is small to cause significant comp
Detailed Answer:
There is no significant difference in size of both testis.
The Epididymal cyst are small to cause any significant pain and symptoms.
Varicocele has been ruled out.
There is no significant abnormalityin the scan report.
Wearing right size underwear will solve the issue.
Rest be assured there is no cause for concern.
Take care
Best Regards
Dr T Shobha Deepak