What Does The Absence Of Bowel Movement When On Treatment For Gastroparesis Indicate?
Should i be worried about this i dont want a bowel impaction!!
No intestinal obstruction, requires investigation
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Welcome and thanks for your query.
Not passing motion for 5 days is outside the normal range which is upto 3 days.
If you had loose motions prior to this episode or if you are on a very low residue diet it is possible.
If you are passing gas and do not have any pain or discomfort, there is no intestinal obstruction. It's probable that you have decreased motility of the intestines like the gastroparesis. Have you been taking irritant purgative like senna before? If so that can be a reason. Have you been checked for hypothyroidism or diabetes or neurological conditions that can produce constipation?
If there is an underlying reason, that is to be corrected.
For my patients with no obvious cause for constipation, I advise an osmotic laxative like Movicol.
Taking plenty of fluid, a high residue high fibre diet would be helpful on the long run.
Make sure you are on correct dose of medicines
Detailed Answer:
Have you checked your Thyroid function recently? If not it may be a good idea. Adjust the dose of Levothyroxine to keep your TSH below 2.5 .
Have you tried Soluble fiber? This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel-like material. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium.
You should be concerned if there is abdominal pain, fullness , nausea or you are not passing gas.