What Does The Blood Test Report Indicate?
Weight: 6.5 Kgs
Recent Blood report
Hb 9.3
Laeucocyte 21000/cu.m.m
Platelet count 481000/cu.m.m
It seems to be due to urinary tract infection
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to the HCM
The symptoms of your baby are suggestive of possible urinary tract infection(UTI). Don't worry as it can be easily treated. It needs complete evaluation by serum creatinine, blood and urine culture and sensitivity test. You may upload the reports for my reference. If the reports are suggestive of UTI, then he will be started on proper course of antibiotics. Also, ultrasound KUB will be needed to check for anatomical abnormalities. Micturating cystourethrography and renal scan will be required to see for any recurrent cause and persistent damage after 3 weeks and 3 months respectively.
At present give him regular feeds for hydration and acetaminophen for fever spikes.
Hopefully this will help you. I would be happy to help you in any further questions.
Take care