What Does The Following Abdominal Ultrasound Report Indicate?
It may need fats restrictions, life style modifications and metformin
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to health care magic! Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We will try to help you in best way possible. First of all, it is sad to know what you had been experiencing lately.
It's good however that findings of ultrasound are just about normal and fatty liver is a condition which needs to be looked into. You are right about alcohol intake however abstinence for 5 weeks may not be enough. It may need long term control, of not full abstinence then limmit it's intake to minimal but preferably complete abstinence is superior as complications of fatty liver can be a trouble some later on and may leave irreversible implications like cirrhosis etc.
Fats and oils restrictions, high fibre diet and excercise are hallmark of management so in short life style modifications is the first step to start with. It's better to adopt habbit of regular excercise and diet monitoring.
Drugs as you have asked are not OTC except the fibre supplement like ispaghol husk are available OCT and can be used. Statins and fibrates can help bring down blood lipid levels but can further derangement of liver enzymes but role of metformin which is basically an antidiabetic drug but has role in fatty liver but may not be needed at this moment.
A repeat ultrasound and regular fasting lipid levels is recommended for few months to year or two. Hope this has answered your query, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Regards.