What Does The Following Chest X Ray Report Indicate?
I took a chest X-ray recently and the finding of "streaky opacities are scattered in both lungs" is noted on my chest X-ray.
I would like to know more about the interpretation (clinical significance) of my chest X-ray report. Are "streaky opacities" associated with malignancy ?
Thank you for your help ! I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
(If you need me to provide further information, please advise.)
Yours sincerely,
Malignancy is unlikely.
Detailed Answer:
Major findings is presence of streaky opacities scattered in both lungs.It may be due to many causes like infection(pneumonitis),fibrosis/scarring etc.
This need clinical correlation and it is important to know your symptoms and reason for investigation.
I advise broad spectrum antibiotics first if there is doubt regarding infection.
Findings may also be due to fibrosis.Fibrosis/scarring is due to healing of past infection and this condition doesn't require any treatment.
Streaky opacities are generally not indicative of malignancy,so please don't worry about this.
You need proper clinical evaluation and routine investigations like routine hemogram.
CT scan of thorax can be done if needed.CT scan can properly evaluate your condition but malignancy is unlikely.
Other findings like mediastinum,CP angles,heart size etc are normal.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care
Thank you very much for your helpful information.
i would like to provide some additional information for your reference.
My symptoms are : chest discomfort / distress, shortness of breath (dyspnea), a little bit of "dry" coughing (around 2 times per day). These symptoms are lasted for around 2 weeks. Also, I have no sputum / phlegm, no hemoptysis, and no fever.
(When I climb stairs, the feeling of breathing difficulty is more prominent.)
In addition, I am an ex-smoker (smoking history : around 20 years ; number of cigarettes smoked per day : at least 20 (sometimes 30)). However, I have quitted smoking for 2 months.
According to my chest X-ray findings and clinical symptoms, could you have an idea about the disease that I am suffering from ?
Many thanks. I am looking forward to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
X-ray findings may be due to bronchitis.
Detailed Answer:
From your history,X-ray findings may suggest bronchitis.
It is good that you have quit smoking.
You may need antibiotics,bronchodilators.Steriod inhaler may be prescribed after clinical evaluation.
Findings are not serious and this is a manageable condition.
Since you have exertional dyspnea,cardiac status should also be evaluated.
You may need ECHO,ECG in all leads,TMT.
PFT(pulmonary function test)can also be done.
Get well soon.
Hope I have answered your question.
Further queries are most welcome.
Take Care