What Does The Lab Test Report Indicate?
He plays sports and is competitive and has a positive attitude when it come to other kids and usually is very encouraging even if the other kids are not really good at the sport. at school the teachers love him because hes always willing to learn and is a positive role model for other because he really has to work hard to achieve average marks.
He recently has been having rush from his belly go up through his body and his heart races and he was vibrating inside. these episodes last 3- 4 seconds. they went from 2 to 3 times a day to and 1hour and 1/2 apart to 30mins apart once we were in the hospital. He's had an EEG done and nothing showed up but when talking to the Doctor my son had one episode so he did another EEG for day and a night and said it was inconclusive. He had a MRI and the Doctor said it was good but there was a white mark on it. he got an second opinion on it and they said he moved in the MRI and also thought it could be from his Dental Braces. Doctor did an Cardiac picture and was fine too...the heart special also seen my son have an episode and tested him for some rare Benign tumor on the adrenal gland all the test were fine they said and sent us home and saying it was Anxiety.
I was skeptical but will to except and seek treatment with therapist and CBT. My son was able to decrease the episode and had only had 3 episode in 3 weeks. then the doctor called back and said the blood test indicated something was wrong and wanted to do the test again. so the did a 24 hour urine test, blood work, and a body MRI. the three days we were in the hospital waiting for MRI my son didnt have any episode and on the last day they were going to put him under to do the 2 hour MRI the Anesthesia said to us if we put him under and he has this disease there is a possibility that his blood pressure could raise and they would have to pull him out and give him special meds and he would be intensive care. So they changed their minds about doing the MRI and said we will wait for those other test to come back before they consider putting him under.... the Doctor came back and said I don't think your son has this disease anyways we will just wait for test(which take a month to come back). Well its been 3 weeks and he has 2 or 3 episodes everyday except for 3 days he didn't have any. He has them if he's doing activity or not. He doesn't seem to have them if hes sleeping. I know it has something to do with his adrenal gland and hormones but i cant figure out how to help him or stop the rushes through his body.
My son has always function better on normal routine, never had bad dreams, always went to bed good,.alway got up good. Well respected kid and motivated. when i filled out the mental health papers it was no this is not my kid...but now if i was to fill it out i would say yes to everything expect in those three 3 week he only had 3 episode he was completely back to himself.
I am at a lost and want to help my son. He also will wants to help himself. He has no problem takeing Omega fish oils or stop drinking Orange juice, he is strong and can do anything to change how this Adrenal rush goes through his body and up to his head and done...i"ve seen him have one on the court playing volleyball, it just happens. turns flush in the face to. he doesn't even stop playing he pauses for a moments knows it happens can talk through it and continues playing the game. no one except him and me knows its happening. I've pointed it out to my friend who kids have anxiety and he husband who does to and they say that is not anxiety. My sister has anxiety and she said no that is not anxiety, that is physical. I've read that Anxiety can be physical though but i still think this Hormonal but why?
Possible pheochromocytoma
Detailed Answer:
I read your question carefully and I understand your concern about your son.
I must say though that giving a confident answer is a little difficult because while you have tried your best to describe the history, there is not a lot of clear cut info. The MRI could have an abnormality but it could be nothing, the EEG is inconclusive, there are some tests which are abnormal but you do not say the name of the tests, you have been suggested a diagnosis (the one which could make anesthesia dangerous, not anxiety) but you do not say what diagnosis is that and what tests suggested it and what blood and urine tests were taken now. So not easy really.
Judging from your description my guess would be that what the doctors suspect is pheochromocytoma. It is a tumor of the adrenal gland which can release chatecholamines, hormones which can raise heart pressure, increase heart beat, cause flushing in the form of spells. Anxiety can be part of these spells as well, as chatecholamines are hormones which are released in situations of stress, so having anxiety doesn't exclude the diagnosis, it is a diagnosis which is made by the tests (measuring of these hormones in the blood and urine). So for the moment the results of the tests must be waited for. If they are positive as I said anxiety is a common occurrence in this type of hormonal issue. If that diagnosis is confirmed then MRI will be necessary to locate the tumor, usually surgery is effective in removing it, it is a benign tumor.
I remain at your disposal for further questions.
Read below
Detailed Answer:
Thank you very much for that update, it makes me feel much more confident in my answer.
So what I said before remains, those symptoms you describe can very well be explained by pheochromocytoma due to release of chatecholamines like adrenaline and noradrenaline, the stress hormones. If confirmed by tests as I said surgery is usually successful.
I hope to have been of help.