What Does The Stress Perfusion Test Result Indicate?
Dear Doctor, I am 75,
at the age of 17 I started my work as a coal miner, after that I was in navy, and after education I became an international attorney working overseas. A test was performed 3 days ago. For how long I am able to survive? Can I travel for business for about 12 - 16 hours?
1.Reversibility of the inferior wall is worrisome for a modest region of ischemia encompassing 5 - 10% of the LV volume,
2.Gated images suggest mild hypokinesis of the inferior wall.
3. Calculated LVEF 54%.
postpone your business trip for a while
Detailed Answer:
hello sir Greetings
i had gone through your question ans i really appreciate your concern
at the outset, i would like to tell you about the stress perfusion test
in this test a radioactive substance is injected in blood, which is taken up (absorbed) by the healthy heart.
Basis on this principle stress perfusion scan is used to assess the blood flow to the heart muscle at rest as well as when it is stressed by exercise or medication to determine areas of the heart with decreased blood flow.
in your case, inferior wall or base of the heart has affected due to an mild old heart attack or decreased blood flow to that portion of heart
Ejection fraction is tells about the pumping power of the heart it ha salso reduced to an extent but not to be so worrisome
i see such patients in my clinic and i would advise in such a case for an angiography a more sensitive and specific test for blockage which your cardiologist knows.
in my opinion you should postpone your business trip fora while and you should take rest at home
you must avoid stress and anxiety, remain cheerful
avoid smoking and alcohol
I Hope you will find my response helpful and informative please feel free to our ask for follow up questions
wishing you good health