What Does This EEG Report Indicate?
EEG Obtained with 10-20 system of electrode application. Pt was sleep during the recording .Back ground activity consist of theta activity. Bilateral sharp waves are seen.
Abnormal EEG record suggestive of generalised seizure disorder.
Kindly explain me what is the problem and probable solution on this.
EEG findings interpretation
Detailed Answer:
Hi, thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. Your nephew is having abnormal current like discharge from brain. These discharges cause sudden activation of whole muscles and lead to "seizures or fits or epilepsy".
Seizure is a medically treatable condition. But you must get his MRI brain done to rule out any lesion in brain. To control seizures, you can consult paediatrician or neurologist . He will start any of below medication according to his body weight
: Syrup VALPROATE 20-25mg/kg body weight in two divided dose
: Syrup PHENOBARBITONE 1-2mg/kg body weight
Usually valproate is sufficient to control it. You can start it after proper prescription. Before starting it, kindly get his platelets and liver function test done.
Hope it will help him. If still any doubt, do let me know.
Thanks. Take care