What Does This LFT Report Indicate?
Below are my LFT results -
SGOT - 44 / SGPT - 85 / GGT - 84 / Alk Phos - 123/ Bilirubin Direct- 0.3 / Bilirubin - 0.78 / Albumin - 4.5 / Protein - 7.1
Points to note -
1. Age - 40 / male / 60Ml - 100Ml daily consumption of alcohol/ Electronic Cigarette
2. Was under antibiotics during test post Tooth removal (sporidex)
3. Gall Bladder removed last 5 years back due to Stones
Can you please tell me the Report Analysis.
Increase in SGOT and SGPT suggest inflammation in liver
Detailed Answer:
Hello! Thanks for putting your query in HCM. I am a Gastroenterologist (DM).
I can understand your concerns.
I have gone through the reports you have uploaded which shows that there is increase in SGOT and SGPT which implies that there is inflammation in liver. It may be due to alcohol intake.
However you still need to investigate for other causes for elevation of transaminase (SGOT and SGPT) levels. So I will suggest you to visit a Gastroenterologist for physical examination and tests like Hepatitis B and C virus, Serum ceruloplasmin for XXXXXXX disease, ANA and SMA for autoimmune disease, Lipid profile and Ultrasound abdomen to see for liver echotexture
Among medications
1. Do regular exercise
2. Low fat diet
3. Avoid alcohol
4. tablet Ursodeoxycholic acid and Vitamin E
I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. If you have any further query I will be happy to answer that too. Remain in touch and get-well soon.