What Does This LFT Report Indicate?
1 week ago I had a blood test. Cholesterol and Glucose in order (Glucose fasting 6,8). Red and White Cells in order. S-TSH in order. Tumor Markers: Alpha Fetoprotein 2.5 - PSA 0,83 - CEA 1.2 . Electrolytes in order.
Now the problem comes - the LIVER FUNCTIONS TEST. Here my results:
S-Total Protein 71
S-Albumin 41
S-Globulin 30
S-Alb/Glob.Ratio 1,4
S-Total Bilirubin 18
S-Conj. Bilirubin 5 !
S-Unconj. Bilirubin 13
S-Alk. Phosphatase 75
S-Gamma GT 181 !
S-Alt 25
S-Ast 30
Conj.Bilirubin and Gamma GT was in all previous test (every year) in best order.
I just would like to mention, that in the 9 days before all the tests I had a relatively
hig alcohol consumption. I had guests, we were going to several Wine Tastings
(I live in South XXXXXXX in the winelands - Somerset West). I ate 5 days before the tests
20 pralines with schnapps. I made at home my own wine tasting with 12 bottles of
wine to find out which wine I should buy for the coming 2 years, so the consumption
over 3 days have been more than 1 bottle a day. And last but not least I have been out
on Saturday with guests, for lunch, I was drinking at this day between 1,5 and 2 bottles of wine.
The test was 2 days later (Monday).That's the story. My normal wine consumption is 600 ml per day,
but sometimes 750 ml - 1 bottle.
What is to do, to decrease the Gamma GT asap, and, may be, also the Conj. Bilirubin?
Some people recommended to drink Parsley-Tea (selfcooked) to clean Liver and Kidney.
What do you think about that? Can I do that with my anticoagulant treatment?
And, please, when I am back in normal ranges regarding my LIVER, can I then continue with
moderate consumption of Wine, which I love so much... ??? Thanks a lot in advance. Regards, XXXX
I would like to mention, that since Thursday I was drinking about 1 ltr. MineralWater and 1/2 ltr. Rooibos Tee a day - the colour of my urin was every day getting lighter and clear. Today it is even a "normal" Urin color, not as dark as 1 week before! I will in any case continue with drinking more water or tea per day.
I would explain as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
I carefully read your question and reviewed all your test reports and would explain that the elevated levels of GGT and conjugated bilirubine are indicative of an obstruction in the billiary tract (inflammation, stones, etc).
This may be related to the alcohol consumption (especially GGT), but it is necessary performing other tests to examine better your liver, billiary tract and pancreas. I would recommend consulting with a gastro enterologist and performing:
-an abdominal ultrasound
-plasma levels of total bilirubine
-plasma levels of lipase and amylase (pancreatic enzymes).
An abdominal CT scan may be needed if suspicions on an obstruction of the billiary ways are raised.
Your total proteine and ALT and AST levels are not elevated, which means that your hepatic function is not severely compromised.
I would recommend avoiding alcohol consumption during this period.
You should know that alcohol interacts also with the anticoagulation therapy (Marcumar), increasing the possibility of bleeding.
From the other hand large amounts of parsley leaf might increase blood clotting. Taking parsley along with warfarin might decrease how well marcumar works to thin the blood.
It is true that it is used in liver damages, but it should be used with caution, in small doses and closely monitoring INR.
Regarding the alcohol consumption I would explain that there is no harm in small amount of alcohol (in wine) later, as it is known to have some benefits when it is used chronically in small amounts.
Hope to have been helpful!
Feel free to ask any other questions whenever you need!
Dr. Iliri
thank you very much for all your efforts and your very good explanations!
But I have some questions:
1. I thought, I could stop the alcohol for the moment completely.
I could instead of it drink lots of water and tea (not LiverTea) to clean kidney
and liver.
Don't you mean, if I would do so, that I could make another Liver Functions
Test, say, in 4 - 6 weeks, and see then, how the results are then?
May be I could avoid then the other tests/ultrasound etc.?
Of course only, it the new test results are within the normal limits.
What do you thing about that? I really would appreciate if it would work so...
2. May be I better do not drink "Liver Tea" because the Marcumar Medication.
May be stopping the alcohol plus drinking a lot of water will clean/sweep out
also the "poisonous substances" within 6 - 12 weeks ?
3. What is for you a "small amount" of wine per day? If you would be my Doctor,
would you allow me 1/2 bottle of Wine daily = 375 ml. ?
I thank you again for your top reply!
Kind regards,
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
I appreciate your concern, but as a doctor I would recommend performing at least the abdominal ultrasound to rule out a possible billiary tract obstruction.
Your elevated bilirubin levels are not very compatible with alcohol intake, as it would also cause a raise in the other hepatic enzymes (like ALT and AST).
If your abdominal ultrasound results normal, then you can continue with the plan of stopping alcohol intake and repeating the liver function tests after a month.
Regarding "Liver tea", it is up to you to decide what to do: not take it and not profit by its benefits, or take it in small amounts and repeat regularly INR. It is not contraindicated in this case, but there is a potential possibility of interactions between it and Marcumar medication leading to possible blood clot formation, which would be dangerous.
Regarding the amount of alcohol, I think that a glass of good wine would be OK. I am afraid that 375ml is too much for your liver.
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
Dr. Iliri
thank you so much for your reply and all your help.
I have another question:
I would like to take PHYTO FORCE NETTLE (Herbal Tincture) 3 x 10 drops a day
as a diuretic. I have to take MARCUMAR, so I just would like to know, whether
Thanks a lot in advance.
There is a moderate possibility of interaction.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Regarding your concern, I would explain that Stinging Nettle can interact with Marcumar, by decreasing its effect, and thus lowering INR.
Stinging nettle above ground parts contain large amounts of vitamin K. Vitamin K is used by the body to help blood clot. Marcumar is used to slow blood clotting. By helping the blood clot, stinging nettle might decrease the effectiveness of Marcumar.
I would recommend checking your INR more often while taking Stinging Nettle.
The dose of Marcumar might need to be changed.
Hope to have been helpful!
Hope you will find this answer helpful!
You can ask me directly at any time for any other uncertainties at the link below:
And please don't forget to rate my answer!
Best wishes!
thanks a lot again for your reply. It was very helpful once more!
I will not forget to rate you, you are the best in any case!
All the best to you too,
You are welcome!
Detailed Answer:
I am glad to have been helpful!
You are welcome!