What Does This Blood Report Indicate?
As doctors prescribed we have started electroxin 45mg ( 50 mg will be dissolved in 5 ml milk and and giving 4.5 ml to baby).
on 13th day after his birth, we have performed thyroid test (TSH, Ft4) again and the TSH came down to 28.55 and ft4 went up to 2.92
I would like to get clarified few this here for the betterment of my baby:-
1) Do he need to take medication for his life long ? how much chance of stopping medicine after 3 years
2) Any sideeffect/affter effect for this medication ?
3) are we giving the right dose to baby ?
4) how long it will take TSH to comedown to normal values in normal case
5) Doctor suggested an echo test as he felt a mild murmur during a routine examine, hope that is not serious ?
Please please verify the test results attached and help me
Suggestions on congenital hypothyroidism
Detailed Answer:
Hi....I have gone through your baby's reports -
1. Failure of organification or organification defect refers to an enzyme deficiency or insufficiency in the thyroid gland. This might require a lifelong treatment. Sometimes insufficiency may get better, but it is rare.
2. After 3 years as the brain neuronal organization would have been completed, we can stop the thyroid supplements for a month and check the thyroid status and decide on further management.
3. If appropriate dose is used side effects are minimal. Nothing to worry. This is a safe medication.
4. I can tell you about the dose appropriateness if you can get back to me with the exact weight of the baby as the doses in kids are measured as per weight.
5. It can take 2 weeks to 4 weeks.
6. Please get the echo done and get back to me with the report. Without the echo report, I cannot tell whether it is serious or not based on murmur alone.
7. I also suggest you get the baby's hearing checked by BERA test as hearing loss is sometimes associated with organification defect of the thyroid gland.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth
His weight is 2.9 KG
The dose is perfect
Detailed Answer:
Hi....the dose is perfect. Don't worry.
Regards - Dr. Sumanth