What Does This Blood Report Indicate?
Blood report suggests-high uric acid, derranged LFT and macrocytosis
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query on HealthcareMagic.
The value of uric acid is high from its normal range.
High uric acid can lead to joint pains and gout.
Low protein diet especially low meat diet helps to control high uric acid.
If diet is not able to reduce high uric acid level, medication will be required.
SGOT and SGPT are liver enzymes. Nrmal level of these enzymes is less than 35 IU/L.
Value of both the enzymes is increased.
High SGOT and SGPT can be due to liver inflammation -commonly seen in viral infection and alcoholism.
Physical examination and other liver function tests will help to know the exact caue of high SGOT and SGPT.
MCV is also higher than the normal range.
High MCV suggests increase in size of red blood cells or macrocytosis.
Macrocytosis can be seen in alcoholism.
PDW and MPV are parameters which measure the sizes of platelets.
Both PDW and MPV are high suggesting variation in sizes of platelets.
If you have more queries, I will be glad to answer.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri