What Does This Fecalysis Report Indicate?
Color: Yellowish
Consistency: Watery
Pus cells: 0-2 / HPF
Red blood cells: 0-2 / HPF
Yeast cells: FEW
Just want to know if this is alright or is there any problem?
normal results
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
The color- yellow- is fine, baby's stool can be this color. Watery stool is also occasionally common in babies but if he or she is having very frequent watery stool, it may indicate that he or she has diarrhea.
Diarrhea is usually due to a viral or bacterial infection of the colon but this is not likely the case here because there are very little PUS cells
Pus cells are found when an infection is present, 0-2 means that they did not find any in the stool sample.
No Red Blood cells (blood), were found. It is normal to have no blood or no pus cells.
Yeast cells --FEW-- if he or she has a slight diaper rash or thrush , both of which are caused by yeast, this would explain the presence of the yeast.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
they can sometimes stool after each feed
Detailed Answer:
Yes, bowel movements right after a feed can occur. To a parent it almost feels as though the feed is going right through them ( i know i felt that way when mine were babies).
Once he is still energetic as normal, that is good and also still has an appetite (same desire to feed as normal)
If you notice a decrease in activity or feeding or decreased wet pampers or more irritability then this would be concerning
The fact that some of the movements occurred with passing air makes is less worrying
The stool analysis did not show any evidence of infection or blood
no problem
Detailed Answer:
Glad to help
if you have any other concerns , can let me know