What Does This Growth Scan Report During 30 Weeks Of Pregnancy Indicate?
I need my growth scan report analysed for 30 weeks.
The measurements of the foetus all seem asymmetric, and I would like to know course of action for the low afi. I've been given l-arginine XXXXXXX once a day, is that enuf?
I received iron thru iv as well today.
Simple precautions advised
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mrs. XXXXXXX thanks for trusting health care magic.
I understand your anxiety related to the issue.
This asymmetry in growth and low AFI many a times start at 28-32 weeks scan and can be corrected easily by by simple precautions most of the times.
Arginine XXXXXXX usually suffices along with certain other precautions like -
- drink a lot of water
- take as much rest as possible in lateral position and avoid lying straight on your back.
- have almonds and walnuts daily
- increase your protein content of diet and can visit a good dietician, in general take more of cottage cheese, pulses, egg, non-veg (if at all you are a non-vegetarian).
Try these simple measures along with arginine sachets and you will surely notice increased weight gain of your baby.
Take care
Dr Manisha
Thank u for your reply,
More than the weight of baby, which seems fine, I'm more worried about the low fluid levels, and reduced movements. There us movement but just not as frequent or defined as before.
From what I'm reading afi if 7 seems to b quite low??
Nothing to worry as yet
Detailed Answer:
Yes I know that is indeed a matter of concern but as far as movements are concerned there won't be a Summersault of the baby now so the movements will be subtle in the form of a single arm or leg movements.
And liquor volume will definitely respond to the Precautions stated beforehand.
So just relax and everything will be fine soon.
Assymetric growth retardation is common and easy to treat usually.