What Does This Lab Report Indicate?
HBsAg(Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)
Method :ECLIA Specimen: SERUM
The lab gave result as REACTIVE (5823.0).
What does this means? Is this a very high value? Do I need to take any medication?
HBsAg positive state
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
You are positive for HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen).
To determine whether you are having active infection or chronic infection or an inactive carrier state,you have to undergo the following tests for serologic and virologic markers:
Positive HBsAg and Anti-HBs indicate carrier state.
Positive HBsAg, IgM anti-HBc indicate acute infection(Acute Viral Hepatitis B )
Positive HBsAg and IgG anti-HBc indicate Chronic infection(Chronic Viral Hepatitis B ).In such case HBeAg , a marker of replication and HBV DNA load are estimated.
HBeAg is a qualitative marker and HBV DNA a quantitative marker of this replicative phase.
The concentration of HBsAg > 500 μg/mL is high but significance of this high value can be determined by the above additional tests.
You need to undergo also Liver function test like serum blirubin,SGOT(Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase) and SGPT (serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase)
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D. XXXXXXX