What Does This Lab Report Indicate?
Slowed Motor Conduction= Motor Weakness of a muscle/Loss of Power
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for another question posed on this network.
I've read your statement as well as the uploaded report provided which indicates SLOW CONDUCTION VELOCITY OF MOTOR NERVES THROUGHOUT.
Patients cannot FEEL slowed conduction velocities in motor nerves.
However, what one sees bedside in a patient whose conduction velocities are slowed in motor nerves is WEAKNESS of muscles, loss of power, or loss of strength.
That is what the statement means clinically......motor weakness.
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Uploaded report concludes presence of motor neuropathy
Detailed Answer:
I've carefully reread the EMG/NCV report.
The uploaded report concludes the presence of a motor DEMYELINATING neuropathy and does not make specific mention of a SENSORY neuropathy or a LACK thereof.
For these reasons and in my opinion, I would classify the REPORT you've uploaded as INCOMPLETE. Furthermore, it is not possible from the way the document's written to tell whether it was the examiner who did not perform the full complement of tests typically done when a complaint of "numbness in the legs" is provided as part of the history or that the pertinent NEGATIVES failed to be documented for what was actually done.
I would much appreciate your support of the complete response to your question by leaving a 5 STAR rating of service with several words of encouragement and would also appreciate your rating 2 previous questions that I recently answered for you several days ago and which you had indicated were highly satisfactory.
Please enjoy a safe and Happy New Year in 2017This query has utilized a total of 35 minutes of professional time in research, review, and synthesis for the purpose of formulating a return statement.