What Does This Lipid Profile Test Report Indicate?
life style modification.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for choosing HCM for your query.
You are just border line dyslipidemic,
For controlling dyslipidemia some suggestions are --
45 minutes of strenuous exercise to be done for atleast 6 days a week for at least 3 months, by strenuous it means that you should start sweating by end of 10 minutes.
20 minutes of brisk walking at a pace not less then 5.1km/hr should be done everyday.
Avoid oily and fatty food.
Eat a lot of vegetables and high fiber food.
Increase fiber contents in your diet, take about 30-40 grams of fibers everyday.
Avoid dairy products, butter and cheese rather use olive oil for cooking.
Give up smoking and alcohol.
Drink plenty of water 2-3 liter every day.
Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
Try activities like Yoga and Aerobics.
It will take at least 3 months to observe changes.
Repeat Lipid profile after 3 months.
Thanks for your immediate and kind suggestions. Only two clarifications based on your reply.
a) 45 minutes of strenuous exercise does it mean treadmill running only or weight training too.
b) Please give examples of fiber food that will make the 30-40 grams per day.
follow up answer!
Detailed Answer:
Hi again
Yes any sort of strenous exercise either weight lifting or treadmill running or both combined together.
Jowar,bajra,ragi,oat,wheat,fleshy fruits,vegetable salads are rich source of fibres.