What Does This Routine Urine Examination Report Indicate?
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Thanks for your query,based on the facts that your wife who has delivered a girl baby 50 days ago has pain in abdomen and chest and her routine urine test has revealed her to have UTI ..
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) Was it a normal delivery or a cesarean section delivery ?
2) Please attach reports
Get her routine urine test and urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to.
Ultrasound Scanning of abdomen will help to rule out other cause for pain in abdomen
Give her broad spectrum antibiotics like Cefixime along with urinary antiseptic like
Nitrofurantoin twice daily and urine alkaliser thrice daily.Later on switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report.
Taking Pantaprozole twice daily will help her to reduce gastric discomfort
Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician.
Ensure she drinks more water.To keep her urine dilute
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions ,I shall be happy to help you
Thanks and Regards.
Unfortunitely there are no reports attached to your earlier query too.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .Unfortunately there are no reports attached to your query .
Please contact customer care people of HCG for help .
In the mean while you may start appropriate antibiotic as per culture and sensitivity report .
Thanks and Regards.
Thanks for uploading urine culture report
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for uploading urine culture report ,
In view of your wife being breast feeding baby I would suggest you to give her Livofloxaacin once daily for 10 days keeping a watch on baby if she gets diarrhea you may need to stop the drug .
Thanks and Regards.