What Does This Semen Analysis Report Indicate?
Concentration: 2.5 million/ML
Motility: 28%
Forward Progression: 2
Kruger Morphology: 0.5%
Total Count: 16.5 million
By contrast, the first results showed 0.65 million/ML concentration, motility 14%, Kruger Morphology at 0%.
Seems like a large different. Is such variability normal? Do the results of the second analysis still suggest that IVF is the only option and that natural pregnancy or IUI can not be done?
Following answers to your queries.
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your semen analysis report and can say as following :
1. I noted that your main problem is related to sperm motility and morphology, which has been demonstrated in both analysis.
2. Please bare in mind that there are a few factors causing changes in semen analysis including :
- abstinence (the sooner than 3 days or later than 5 days) will negatively affect the results
- transportation (keep the semen warm inside the pocket when transporting from home to the lab)
- time of presenting in the lab (transportation should be within 1 . hour of ejaculation )
3. Before deciding if IVI is the only option, several tests including hormonal and metabolic tests should be run together with prescribing several treatments.
If they fail in improving semen reports, tgen IVI is the only option to think
Hope it answered to all your queries.